Yoga For Good

11. September 2022


“Close your eyes and send a positive thought to someone now”, with these words our yoga instructor Tobias ended our 2nd Charity Yoga Class. On Sunday evening, 65 STELP supporters practiced a STELP-tailored yoga class together in a very special setting – the Phoenixhalle in the Römerkastell. The theme of connection was paramount: connecting to yourself, to the environment, but also to the other yogis and STELP supporters.

A special connection was not only felt during the yoga practice, but also at the get-together afterwards, where we ended the Sunday evening together with delicious vegan donuts from Jones Donuts and refreshing drinks from Dietz teaz and Good Mate.

Thank you for sweating and relaxing with us for a good cause and for donating so generously. A total of 943.50 euros was raised for our aid projects.

We are still very inspired by this great evening, which would not have been possible without our great partners. We are still very inspired by this great evening, which would not have been possible without our great partners. Thanks to Yez Yoga Festival and Tobias for the free yoga class, thanks to Phoenixhalle for spontaneously providing us with their great location, thanks to Jones Donuts for the delicious donuts and thanks to Dietz for the drinks. A big thank you also to lululemon, who surprised our guests with great goodie bags after the yoga class.

Thanks to all who participated in YOGA FOR GOOD.