Joy Denalane and Max Herre Soundsystem Show
30. July 2023
WOW, what an overwhelming evening last night was, please? We are still a little speechless. But our hearts are full. Full of the incredible energy that we experienced yesterday with 400 spectators at the grave chapel on the Württemberg.
In the pictures below we share with you the best moments of our unforgettable charity concert with Joy Denalane and Max Herre – even if it is almost impossible to put the experience into words or pictures.
During our living room concert with a fantastic view over Stuttgart we not only laughed, sang, danced and enjoyed the incredible atmosphere together, but also did good.
Because even though yesterday’s evening was wonderful, we don’t want to forget the reason why we organize events like this. Because there are people in this world who were not lucky enough to be born in Central Europe like we were. It’s important to us that you don’t have to have a guilty conscience about it. But you have to be aware of your luck and privilege.
Together we showed that music and compassion have the power to change lives. With the profits from our charity events, we can help so many people in our aid projects. For that, we are deeply grateful.
THANK YOU to everyone who helped us put this event together and supported us in its organization and implementation: our volunteers, Hip Hop Open, Chimperator Live, Mad Music, Grabkapelle auf dem Württemberg, Daimler Truck, LBS, BW Bank.
A huge thanks goes to our artists Joy Denalane, Max Herre, DJ 5ter Ton and DJ Friction. Without you all this would not have been possible.
And finally just THANK YOU to everyone who was there yesterday and made the evening so special. Our hearts are full.
The Stuttgarter Zeitung was also there and wrote a detailed article about the concert.
//The JOY DENALANE & MAX HERRE SOUNDYSTEM SHOW is a joint event of HipHopOpen, STELP e. V. and STELP Events UG. The entire profit of STELP Events UG goes to our charity and benefits our worldwide aid projects.//