Cinema For Good

01. September 2022

Auf dem obersten Deck des Züblin Parkhauses

“I’m really speechless. Simply unbelievable what you have brought to the screen, Franz.” Not only STELP founder Serjan Eren had to search for the right words on stage after seeing the award-winning documentary DEAR FUTURE CHILDREN by Stuttgart-based director Franz Böhm for the first time at our Charity Open Air Cinema. The almost 200 guests who had found their way to the deck of the Züblin parking garage and watched the film from their deck chairs were clearly touched and excited by the documentary about the three courageous activists.

While the sun slowly disappeared behind the houses, the evening had started with a panel talk on activism. Moderated by Louisa Schneider, Serkan Eren, Franz Böhm and young activist Emily Rehmet talked about their drive to change the world for the better.

By visiting CINEMA FOR GOOD, our guests also did their part to make the world a better place. The proceeds of the evening amounted to 1720 €. At the end of the year, the entire profit of our event agency goes to the non-profit STELP e.V.

Special thanks to Franz Böhm, who not only provided us with the film free of charge, but was also there live, many thanks to Louisa Schneider, who completely waived her fee, many thanks to the Kulturbüro Sorglos and the city of Stuttgart, who provided us with the location free of charge, and many thanks also to Fohhn Audio AG, iLUX_Veranstaltungstechnik and Skyline-live, without whom we would not have been able to show the film.

A big thank you also goes to Emily who told us her story, to all the volunteers who supported us at the event and of course to all of you who attended our Charity Cinema Evening in such large numbers!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this magical evening.